C (299/301)

From:Gabriele Svelto
Date:31 Aug 99 at 14:34:48
Subject:Re: Welcome to amiga-c@onelist.com

From: Gabriele Svelto <jlpicard@tiscalinet.it>

Hi Perrie

On 31-Ago-99, you wrote:

> From: Perrie Iles <cmos@one.net.au>
> Thank you,
> I already program in F-Basic V5.0 (amiga), Fortran II, IV, 77,
> Pascal.......
> But C is alien, I am currently learning C to program one of the 8051
> family of micro-controllers, and thought it about time I learnt it for my
> Ami. I have 32Mb ram, 160MHz PPC / 25MHz 040 , 32X CD, 1.7Gb HDD, so
> WHAT are the essentials to start programming in C, and where do I get
> them ????

First of all get a good book on C (should be a multi-platform one, PeeCee
oriented books are usually crap! So avoid Visual-C etc... at all costs!),
personally I used "The C programming language" - Kernigan / Ritchie, and
"C, a software engineering aproach" - Darnell / Margolis; I've checked and
they're both avaibl from Amazon.com. Then you need a good compiler, both
Dice and VBCC are avaible freely on Aminet, I use both but personally
prefer VBCC, it should be very easy to install & get to work. Of course
you'll need also a good editor but as I see you do already some programming
so I suppose you've got one ;-). If you want to do Amiga specific C you
should get the Amiga includes (NDUK-V40) and at least the autodocs for
amiga-specific functions, the Rom Kernel Reference Manual (RKRM) is useful
too, for getting those things take a look at
"http://www.redrobe.demon.co.uk/amiga/essentials.html". Some debuggers
could be also useful, you could start with Enforcer and Mungwall (both
avaible on Aminet). Last but not least some time to practice a bit!

Bye, Gabriele